Five Cybersecurity Issues That Can Go Unnoticed

February 23, 2021

Businesses that don’t take cybersecurity seriously do so at their own peril. That being said, sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you can fall victim to a cyberattack. The truth is, some cybersecurity issues and challenges can be harder to spot than others, leaving these problems to go unnoticed. When left unaddressed, these cybersecurity issues can wreak havoc on your company, leaving data compromised and revenue lost.

Today, Teknabyte will be exploring five surprisingly common cybersecurity issues that can go unnoticed. While common, these issues can spell disaster for any business, from small businesses to major corporations. When you know what to look out for, you can do more to keep your business, employees, and customers safe.

Business Email Compromise

business email compromise (BEC)  s a type of phishing attack that has become increasingly common in recent years. The reason that a business email compromise is a cybersecurity issue that can go unnoticed is because the fraudulent email comes from a genuine account. For this reason, a BEC can be a bit trickier to catch than the standard phishing attack.

During a BEC attack, the cybercriminal gains access to the email account of a high-ranking executive within the business, using this email account to request a payment from the accounts department and into a fraudulent account. Seeing as this email is from someone trusted within the company, the accounts department often makes the payment as requested. Unfortunately, it can be a very long time before anyone at the company realizes that any mistake has been made. This cybersecurity issue is often only uncovered when someone reviews the account and finds a hole in the budget.

A Lack of Expertise

If there is a lack of cybersecurity expertise within your business, this isn’t an uncommon problem. In fact, there is a critical shortage of cybersecurity expertise worldwide. In fact, it is estimated that in 2021 there will be as many as 3.5 million unfilled positions across the cybersecurity industry.

Unfortunately, next to businesses struggling to recruit the proper level of cybersecurity within their companies, business owners are also not offering enough training. A recent study revealed that 63% of companies are falling behind in terms of offering adequate cybersecurity training to staff, which is contributing to the problem overall.

Seeing as 90% of all data breaches are caused by human error this is a cybersecurity issue that cannot be understated. Still, a lack of expertise is a cybersecurity issue that often goes unnoticed, leaving businesses vulnerable to an attack.


Another cybersecurity issue that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late is cryptojacking. Cryptojacking occurs when cybercriminals take control of different parts of your system, using the computing power to mine for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The scariest thing about cryptojacking is that this can be going on in the background without you even realizing that it is occurring.

So, why is cryptojacking so hard to notice? Put simply, cryptojacking is hard to detect because it doesn’t cause any major problems for your business on the surface. Sure, you might see a slowdown of operations or your computers may misbehave a bit, but nothing will occur that makes it impossible for your business to continue operating as usual. All the while, cybercriminals will be mining your business for cryptocurrency behind the scenes.


Formjacking is one of the fastest growing types of cyberattacks and is often considered the virtual equivalent of something called “cashpoint skimming.” Formjacking is becoming more and more popular amongst cybercriminals because it is very difficult to detect. Further, it can provide cybercriminals with a large amount of financial and/or personal data with a relatively small amount of work.

In formjacking, cybercriminals will inject a piece of code into an ecommerce site before waiting for customers to check out. Upon checking out, the code injected into the website will read the personal details such as credit card numbers, sending the information to the hacker. Unfortunately, the entire transaction will go through as normal and the website owner will be completely unaware that anything has happened until it’s too late.

The Need for a “Backup Plan”

Finally, another cybersecurity issue that is often overlooked is the need for a backup plan. Unfortunately, most companies don’t see backups as a primary aspect of their overall cybersecurity initiative. Businesses often rely on systems or services to keep their data protected, forgetting to consistently back up their data as a fail-safe.

One example of this is found in a Baltimore City ransomware attack in which the city ended up confirming that not all of the mission critical data was backed up. Without paying the ransom or the ability to decrypt, the data that had been accessed is gone forever. This is why incremental offsite backup is so important, yet so often overlooked by business owners. Without a reliable backup of your business’s data, you could fall victim to cyberattacks unnecessarily.

Boost Your Cybersecurity with TeknaByte!

As you can see, there are a variety of cybersecurity issues that are often overlooked or not noticed until it is far too late. Don’t fall victim to these cybersecurity issues in the way that so many businesses have in the past! With a dedicated IT services provider like TeknaByte, you’ll never have to worry about cybersecurity threats ever again.

At Teknabyte, we specialize in giving you the best cybersecurity so that you can put all of your focus on growing your business. We manage your IT and cybersecurity with help available 24/7 from our Indianapolis location so that you can always rest easy, no matter the time of day. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity services! You can give us a call at (317) 620-3900 or contact us online We look forward to helping you boost your business’s cybersecurity!


TeknaByte is an IT Consulting & Managed IT Services firm in Indianapolis that provides quick, high-quality, and effective managed IT services to businesses everywhere.
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